Jaylen Cofer is a photographer and graphic designer based in Washington DC



The son of a photographer and printer, he got his start assisting his father on photo shoots for his own projects. That led to deeper interest as he took several photography classes and by the time he graduated from high school he was already steadily in demand in Baltimore’s vibrant, creative community where he attended Morgan State University.

Initially, Mr. Cofer started off his college years as a computer science major, but shorty transitioned towards the liking of graphic design and decided that was the career he was going to pursue. He always had a keen eye for detail and loved using his creative thinking skills to develop various projects and concepts.

Jaylen graduated from Morgan State University in the spring of 2022 and is looking forward to see how his future unfolds. He aspires to travel the world as a photographer, taking pictures of various cultures, their food, people and lifestyle.